The night calls
Its arms reaching out across the skies
The Midas of doom
With his cold touch spreading emptiness.
Engulfing light
Swallowing hope
This Kingdom of gloom is now here to stay.
It tempts me as my paramour
Kissing me on my anxious lips
As it fills me with its void
Holding my forsaken hand
As it passes me its lifeless chill
Taking me in its infinite embrace
As it wipes me of myself.
Creatures of light roam demented
Gabriel wanders his path lost
The sun has abandoned the land where it shone
The moon a fading reflection of light now gone
Cerberus has left his post
Charon no longer rows his boat
The land of living is now that of the dead.
Where there once was life
Phantasms now scream
Where there once was love
Hatred now leads
These monuments of glory now lie broken
Heaven a dream forgotten
And hell now is all that remains.
I roam
On feet that leave no prints
I speak
In words that carry no voice
I exist
A spectre of living
In an empire of the fallen.
DECEMBER 8, 2024